Malcolm X | Photo source: www.weheartit.com |
Faith is a privilege. Whatever way we practise it, whether as Muslims or Christians or Buddhists, people who believe that God exists and pray to God are privileged. (Non-believers will strongly argue this, but I wouldn't discuss this with them because we're simply not in the same realm).
There are people who were born in a religious family and raised in a certain religion but they grow up not believing that religious practices are useful and the concept of divinity doesn't make any sense whatsoever to them. And there are people who were born in secular environment but somewhere along the way, they find God and develop their spirituality. Why? I think because God lets them.
Seems unfair, huh? It's like God is letting some people go astray while others are given the opportunity to find the right path. But the thing is, you have to want to be spiritual if you want God to lead you to the right way. From what I see in people I've met is that once you start wanting it, you slowly but surely go to this direction.
I'm not saying that non-believers are lacking in something. I know a lot of atheists who have rich lives and are happy and fulfilled. What you don't have you don't miss.
So again, I'm just saying here that to have faith is to have privilege because God is giving you a chance to be closer to Him. It's a privilege because not everyone is allowed this proximity, and because there are a different world we can discover once we are in the path.
Which also means that we should never take it for granted. Once we start doing that, we don't deserve it anymore.