Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Blue Monday

Today's supposed to be the most depressing day for a lot of people all over the world. Type "blue monday" on Google and it will tell you why. For me, today is quite depressing because at one point during the day, I realize that I'm missing good company. 

I woke up feeling all right, did some chores and my usual things, then went to hang out with some good friends. After 5 minutes I knew it wasn't a good day to go out at all because I felt so uninspired, bored, annoyed and when I get that feeling, I shut down. Not a great material for a chat. On my way home, I realize that I'm missing a good conversation. And somehow it makes me realize that one of the most interesting aspect in inviting overseas artists is the exchange of thoughts we have when we spend time together around a concert. 

I think if my fellow Indonesians read this they will hate me and tell me to go to hell with my stuck up nose, but I don't mean to say that foreigners are more interesting. There is something stimulating and different about talking to new people with different culture and background, to see the world from their point of view, and to discover that in some things, we are all basically the same and share the same feelings. All of these makes a conversation more exciting. And what's nice with people you've just met is that no one dares to take anyone for granted, and that creates a mutual respect, something which is, a lot of time, often forgotten when we're among good friends. 

The good thing is, I quite know how to be with myself and at times like this, it would be best for me to be alone. In my youth I would blame the friends I have for being so trivial, but there's really no one to blame. So today I'm going to hold that Blue Monday syndrome accountable for this trashy mood I have and hope for a better day tomorrow.