Saturday, 15 September 2012


"Doubt is a pain too lonely to know that faith is his twin brother." - Khalil Gibran

I have doubts. I have not many, but they are strong.

I doubt if I'm doing the right thing. If I am, I doubt if I'm doing it in the right place. 

I doubt that something good will eventually happen in Bandung. People don't seem to care anymore. Everyone's so busy, even to reply to an important text message. They do their own things and take things for granted.  

I doubt if there will ever be a change, or if I will witness it in the near future.

And I doubt if this is all worth fighting for. 

I doubt if this is all worth my life. (No, right?)

Margaret Mead once said, "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." I used to hold on to these words. But now I doubt her, too. 

The only good thing coming out of doubt is that my religion survives. 

I'm so tired right now. It doesn't get any easier, and I lost more and more support. This doesn't make sense. I need either a conviction, or distraction, or disintegration. Should I just go, or should I just give myself the benefit of the doubt?