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Doubt and faith are two different side of a coin. If you read my previous post, that's what Gibran said. How very true! I know it now for sure.
If you have doubts in some things, you're bound to get faith in something else. And with me, my faith in God is reinforced.
I texted my bestfriend the other day and told him that all of this doesn't make any sense. My work for the community doesn't seem to bring the result I expect. I've tried everything, and I've done so much, but the situation seems to get worse.
I forgot that there's still one thing I haven't done.
I haven't prayed.
All this time I put myself out there and went the extra miles while hoping that people will help my cause. I thought it was enough. I thought that by knowing how much I've worked for this, people will help and support and participate. But it was stupid. I've had experience with this and I should have known better. We must never put any hope on mere mortals. People let you down, all the time. Only the very best will be there for you, but they are the selected few, and you need bigger power to move the majority.
So that's it. Starting tomorrow I'm just going to do what I have to do, and then let go. I will have learn to leave the result to God and not beating myself up when things don't go according to plan.
And then I will pray. A lot. Because prayer changes things.