Sunday, 8 December 2013


My internet connection's back. 

I've been browsing, up- and downloading, e-mailing and facebooking from my smart phone and I hated the experience. Seriously. And blogging from your phone is absurd. So I haven't been writing for almost 2 months now. Bugger. 

I'm continuing my French lesson and my teacher suggested that I should start a blog en francais...mais oui! Very tempting; I might try it someday, but sometimes when I have ideas in the head, looking back and forth to the dictionary maybe a bit annoying. But for the sake of progress, I will probably give it a go. Next year. 

The year end comes so's sometimes felt surreal that time goes by so quickly. I started planning for next year's projects and I've got tons of ideas in mind which makes it hard to sleep at night. But I'm thoroughly enjoying the whole programming process and it's so exciting to bring ideas to stage and see them transformed into shows. 

Next year I gotta see to it as well that my own personal project doesn't suffer. 

Gosh. So happy to be able to write again. But sleep now, otherwise vertigo will relapse. 

Bonne nuit, tout le monde.