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Yes, life's good at the moment. I just found out another skeleton key to understanding life better.
I was cleaning up my closet last night and got rid of things that I didn't need when it struck me again that at this moment, I am not lacking anything. I think it was very frustrating for my mum to see how I seem to not achieve anything tangible but I am still happy. But I remember, once in my not-so-interesting economics class, the first interesting thing my professor taught me was that happiness is created when there is no gap between what you want and what you actually have. The bigger the gap, the more profound your anguish is. But he said people often forget that what is more important in their lives are their needs. (There! You have it bold and underlined.)
If you ever do any decluttering in your life, you will know the first question that pops in your head when you pick up an object: keep or no keep? Then the second question: if it's a keep, will I ever use it? If the answer is no, the kept becomes no keep. Should be simple, huh? Well, not really. Normal people usually find it hard to part from an object. Answers to the second question usually is "no, but...(A. I'm sure I'll use it sometime in the future. B. It's so difficult to find it, I think I will keep it just in case. C. I will find a way to use it again. Pick one). Then the thing goes back to your store room so you can see it again on your next decluttering session. If you do any of this, change the question to: will I ever need it?
Well, last night, I get rid a lot of stuffs I'm so proud. And that's the time when an invisible lightning struck me and told me that I don't need anything right now. All my needs, thank God the Almighty and the most Merciful, are fulfilled. Each and everyone of them in the Maslowian hierarchy of needs.
I'm telling you, it's so DAMN good to know this because it gives you a new mindset, i.e. I can still want things and not feeling unhappy when life presents me with something else, because I already have the essentials and even if my wishes are not granted, I can still live. And of course, I will always want things. I want more money. I want piano lessons once a week. I want a man. I want a romance. I want kids (preferably 2 boys and 1 girl which will be named Skylar, Stardust and Sunshine). I want to go to Oxford. I want to spend a gap year in Aix. I want to visit Madrid again, go out at 11 pm and come home in the morning (that would suit my lifestyle!). There are so many things I want. I will continue wanting it, and be happy with my life, because right now, I've got everything I need. I've got a place to hide, some clothes to keep me warm, a job I'm most passionate about (and thankfully pays the bills, too!), a family that loves and cares, awesome buddies, good friends, things I enjoy doing which can be done, .... I can go on forever. And the most cardinal of all these is that I got love, love, love!!!