Saturday, 27 August 2011

On Losing Love

One of my dearest teacher, who also became a very good friend of mine, text me this afternoon and asked: "How do you heal your wound when you lost someone so very important in your life?" This isn't a question out of the blue. She just lost her mother 2 months ago and she still is overwhelmed by this tremendous, most devastating grief.  

I've lost important people in my life before, and I'm sure everybody has, too. It can be caused by separation caused by time or space or by more complicated stuffs like religion or life perspective, and ultimately, by death. It doesn't make me an expert, but I've learned something from the sad situation and what I know is that...

...Love (with a capital L) is the only thing that can cure you after it hurts you. Unlike other things in this world, when something gives you pain, you take something else to remedy it. But when love hurts you, the only way to get better is by loving again. 

...special people are special not because, quoting Maya Angelou here, of what they say, nor what they do, but how they make you feel. Each one of them pulls a chair in the high office of your soul because no one else among your 5302 Facebook friends can make you feel the way you feel when you're with them. can never forget people who give you love then take that love again and break your heart. No matter how hard you try, they will always be there in the corner of your brain, pulsating quietly between memories. But you can forgive what they've done, and when you do that, you liberate yourself from pain. 

...there is probably one BIG love in your life. Some people are lucky enough to be able to spend the rest of their lives with it. Others, not so much. But little loves, added together, can also fill your heart. They will not be the same, but they will sustain your existence. 

...when you lose love, surround yourself with more love in order to survive.

...when you have to choose two difficult things, and you're so scared about how the result may turn out, choose the option that promises more love at the end of the journey.

Picture from