Friday, 25 January 2013

Baby Steps

No, this is not about Rafa. But this has something to do with tennis. 

After every grand slam match, winners are interviewed by a host and asked about their game or sometimes trivial questions which made the audience laugh. What I notice is that almost all of them, when asked what their plan was to beat their opponents, said that there's no plan at all. They always "try to take point by point."

Sometimes we make anticipation far, far ahead and filled ourselves with so much anxiety over things which might  happen in the future. Sometime the future is much too far for our eyes to see, but the worries cripple us from enjoying the journey in the present. 

It's good to make a plan ahead. But it's best not to make it too distant to where we are living right now. And many times it's good to make small plans for the near future, and follow it day to day, minute to minute, or point to point, like all world-class tennis players. After all, we can't even be sure if we'll wake up tomorrow.