Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Spiritual Love

I thought I made this up.

When some of my BFF asked me how I feel about him, I told them that I feel "spiritually connected." I've never had this kind of relationship before. But actually I just said so because I couldn't find any other word to describe it.

I found out tonight that this term exists. 

I just googled it and there's a lot of article show up. The description below really explains my sentiments. 

"Spiritual love is when you truly connect with another human being. You may not even find each other physically attractive at first—you may have passed each other with barely a thought on numerous occasions. You may be intellectually compatible—or you may not think alike at all.

With spiritual love, as you get to know a person, something about them touches your very soul. You feel not just camaraderie, but a true kinship with the person. You feel like even if you separated and never saw each other again, the connection would remain."

Now I know that I will never lose him. We will have each other forever, no matter how far we are from each other. And it's good to know that some things in life can be kept for good.