Sunday, 2 March 2014

The Things You Do for Love

Real love is...

...when you never do the things you've done in your entire life, crazy things that will put you in trouble, but you do it anyway just so you can be with the object of your affection. 

...when you consciously throw yourself inside a deep hole and you have to dig hard to let yourself out but after all the sweat and tears, you still think it's all worth it. And you'll do it again if you have to. 

...when you constantly anticipate their needs and try to provide them even before they ask. 

...when you loathe them and they make you eat your heart out but at the end of the day, you will always open your door whenever they need shelter and protection.

...when thinking of the object of your affection, your heart feels like a glass with overflowing water

...when, as the song says, you go a million times around the world just to be closer to them than to you.  

...when, in spite of their stupidity, imperfection, weakness, you still can tell them this: